The Threat of our Time - Global Warming
The world is warming up. Global warming refers to the increase in the average measured temperature of the earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century, and its projected continuation. Evidence reveals that a 0.6 degree rise would kill 150,000 people every year. Glaciers, permafrost and sea ice are disappearing. Sea levels are rising, seasons changing and extreme weather becoming more extreme. As temperatures increase further, there will almost inevitably be more flooding, more droughts, more disease, more famine and causing the destruction of entire ecosystems and species.
This massive and rapid change to our climate is likely to be caused by the greenhouse effect. Recent researches show that CO2 emissions are occurring at a rate doubling the capacity that the earth can assimilate. Furthermore, CO2concentrations in the atmosphere are now 380 ppm, which is higher than any measured records over 4,000,000 years. The delicate balance of atmospheric gases that sustains life is thickening, trapping more and more heat and irreversibly changing our world.
Change One Light Bulb at a Time
Lighting is a necessity in the daily lives of people. Old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs waste as much as 95% of the energy they use. Compared with incandescent bulbs, LEDs and CFLs can save up to 80% energy. To save the world, it’s time to switch to eco-lighting products.
Energy Labelling Scheme
Many countries and regions have adopted energy efficiency policies and introduced the mandatory or voluntary Energy Efficiency Label scheme to provide information on energy consumption and efficiency to help consumers make better purchasing decisions. The energy efficiency of the appliance is rated in terms of a set of energy efficiency classes on the label. The labels also provide other useful information to the customers for comparison with various models.
The European Union Energy Label
With the objectives of reducing energy consumption and eliminating energy wastage, the Energy Label that applies to light bulbs was introduced by the EU.
Effective 1 September 2013, the energy efficiency of the product is rated in new energy levels ranging from A++ to E on the label. 'A++' stands for the most energy efficient and 'E' for the least energy efficient. The Energy Rating label enables consumers to compare the energy efficiency of appliances. It is also an incentive for manufacturers to improve the energy performance of their products.
On every label, you will find:
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The energy efficiency class of lamps shall be determined on the basis of their energy efficiency index (EEI)
For further information of the EU energy label, please go to:
MEGAMAN® Helps Tackle Climate Change
MEGAMAN® is passionately dedicated to enhancing the quality of life and conserving the environment. Driven by the initiative of replacing incandescent and halogen applications, MEGAMAN® strives to improve the efficiency of its energy-efficient lamps.
Both MEGAMAN® LED and CFL lamps receive energy efficiency recognition from organisations worldwide, reassuring users of the lamps' luminous efficacy. Most MEGAMAN® energy-efficient lamps are rated CLASS A+ on the Energy Label recognised by the EU and carry the Grade 1 Energy Label of the Hong Kong Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme for Compact Fluorescent Lamps. Moreover, MEGAMAN® energy-efficient lamps meet the standard outlined in the Energy Efficiency Recommended Programme as certified by the Energy Saving Trust of the United Kingdom.